
Confession: I have not blogged in quite awhile. Too long, in fact. I know.

Originally, I began blogging as a simple way of sharing my journey of finding true love and growing in faith, but over time I pulled away from writing about these very intimate subjects. Often, I would post simply some beautiful quote or picture, and avoid writing what was on my heart. To be honest, I haven’t really felt like sharing my life with a lot of people I do not know. Yet, something in me keeps nudging me to document my life-discoveries so that someone out there may be encouraged, or better yet inspired by what comes through my keyboard.

I regret that I have been absent for so long. With the beginning of the new Roman year, I am recommitting myself to this space with the desire to share what I am learning along my pilgrimage through life. With that said, I have decided to add a new subject category to my blog site. I will now be journaling, and I hope that you will join me, on my adventures in SEWING! You can learn about how I got started sewing here. But before you go, let me share with you how I was inspired to start blogging about sewing.

When I began to learn to sew last year, I started doing A LOT of online research, looking for tutorials that I could use to teach myself basic sewing techniques. What I discovered is the abundantly fruitful world of Sewing Blogs! To my surprise, I found more information than I could have imagined existed on the subject of sewing. At first, it was all eye candy – beautiful blogs with pictures of vibrant fabrics sewn into items that I can only dream of creating at this point. I signed up for almost every newsletter that I could join, and soon my Inbox was overflowing with information each day. I soon found myself spending more time surfing the web than sewing, and that is not right! Since then, I have culled my blog reading and newsletter memberships down to a very select few.

Each time I read these inspiring sewists’ posts, a desire rises in me to start documenting my own journey in this wonderful world of stitchery. To my surprise, when I opened my email this morning, one such blogger‘s post brought me to the point of no return. After I read about Sarai’s project, Wardrobe Architect, for the sewing blog community, I jumped in with both feet.

So, here I am. A blogger. I hope you will join me on my adventures in Faith, Love, and Sewing!

Discovering My Passion To Sew

This past year, 2013, I rediscovered one of my hidden passions. I began to learn how to sew! By taking a sewing class with a few other ladies, I found myself growing more and more excited about using my hands to create beautiful, functional and practical items using fabric and thread. Since last spring, I have successfully accomplished the construction of a quilt and matching pillow case, pants for my nephew, a blouse for my niece, as well as several aprons and potholders, and other assorted little projects.

Learning to SewThe internet has been a huge resource in helping me get over the nervous jitters of trying to teach myself a skill that has been a mystery to me all these years. I found a ton of wonderful free patterns that I was able to download to my computer. Most of them are still there collecting pixel dust on my hard-drive. But I have sewn a couple of really wonderful patterns I found, to challenge myself specifically in the realm of clothing construction. Those pants I mentioned have been the most challenging mainly because the directions were difficult for me to follow.

Up to the spring of last year, I had been successful at hiding this inner desire from myself behind the busyness of life-in-general. I had seen my mom sewing my garments as a child and had always wanted to learn how to sew my own garments. However, as the days flew by and I grew up, it became more and more difficult to find the time to make sewing a priority in my life.

I am so happy to say that this has finally changed! My goal for 2014 is to begin sewing garments for adults, specifically for myself and my husband. I have a dream of one day creating a line of graceful and modest, Kingdom-inspired, linen garments for men and for women. I am hoping that the Wardrobe Architect project over at the Coletterie will help get me pointed in that direction.